Monday, January 16, 2006

Morning Prayer

So I’m sitting here, about to set my alarm clock and I begin to ponder the thought of Morning Prayer. What is it to me and how does it affect my life. Do I enjoy it or do I despise it. Mandatory…unmadatory? Six o’clock or seven? So what is it to me? Well Morning Prayer is sometimes the best thing that I do all day, and is the one thing that I’m so glad I did that day. And on other days, at about 4pm I begin to reconsider being up four hours earlier than what I really needed to be. You know what, I heard a wise man once say that “It’s not how you start the race that counts but its how you finish”. In that case why not have “Late Night Prayer” oh wow I begin so smile at this thought…how much more would I rather stay up late and finish the day strong than wake up way earlier than what I need to. Then the same type questions begin to enter my mind like. Will I be the only one there? What time would you do it? Do you make it a real prayer meeting or a silent meditation? Contemporary or old school? I guess all these questions are kind of pointless. The real point should be, what do I need to do to become closer to the Lord. If its morning prayer or if its night prayer. If its doing a fast or the act of silence. I must be willing to lay down my own agenda and feelings. So that my mind will be free to ponder in the everlasting love of the Lord….P.S. this picture is the sky after morning prayer today.


Blogger Cajun Tiger said...

what up JP!!! Sweet pic. I think the main part is the sacrifice. I'd much rather evening prayer also, but it is a huge sacrifice for morning prayer. That makes it all the more meaningful to our Father!!!

8:43 PM  

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