Monday, January 23, 2006


So I’m sitting here in my room looking at this plaque that says " Good Morning, This is God, I'll be handling all of your problems today so, relax and have a nice day" Then i began to think about what makes a person have a bad day.

And this is what I realized. No matter how much we want to believe that other can make us upset or angry. Reality is that it's how we chose to respond to a situation that determined the level of joy in a day. For instance, if I’m at my desk and someone walks by and says something hurtful. It is my response that really matters, not what they say. Do I let it sink into my heart and hurt me, or do i let it roll off. This brings me to my next point that we chose who we are. We chose who we let speak in to our lives, we chose our friends we chose where we work, so why not CHOSE our own emotions. So I encourage every one that if you are having a bad day, then stop for a second and realize that you are allowing your self to have a bad day, and that you are the only one that can change that!

When I started working for the church one of the best things anyone ever told me what to "have a soft heart, but tough skin".

PS. i just realized that i have been puting up some pretty different pictures..i guess ill keep it up!


Blogger Carole Turner said...

A. You sound like Dr. Phil,which to me is a good thing and B. what is tht picture of?

P.S. I like Dup's blog, he is one of Dan's Favorites too.

6:27 PM  

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