Tuesday, January 31, 2006


I got to give props up to my buddy DANO for putting up a link to my page...that’s first class Dan...you are the man.

If you where not able to make it to the "Vision Night 06" then boy did you miss out it was ( in my opinion) one of the best events we have ever put on here at HPC it was funny, informative and just plain cool, and pastor Dino did a slammin job getting the leaders ready for 06. This event for me really sealed the deal on catching this " 06...the finest year ever" bug. I am truly convinced that if i dedicate my self fully to the cause of Christ then my year will truly be blessed. I must encourage every one to walk in faith and believe that this could be the best year ever. To me... that is called faith ...believing what is not seen.

PS. I just got a ticket for an expired inspection sticker, ha ha... the test has begun on whether I still believe this will be my finest year....lol...just jokin...but I really did get a ticket.

Sunday, January 29, 2006


I have to give mad props up to the staff and pastors here at HPC. They really stepped it up this past weekend during the staff retreat. Pastor Dino probably told the staff the most releavent thing that he could have told us, to me it really hit me right where im at. And a shout out to the rest of teh staff. YO you guys did a great job on the servant evangelism friday at lunch. most of what i have heard about the event was good. and i would like to thank brad, for putting up with jp, j-ben, and byrd all in one room. you got to be strong to do that.

Monday, January 23, 2006


So I’m sitting here in my room looking at this plaque that says " Good Morning, This is God, I'll be handling all of your problems today so, relax and have a nice day" Then i began to think about what makes a person have a bad day.

And this is what I realized. No matter how much we want to believe that other can make us upset or angry. Reality is that it's how we chose to respond to a situation that determined the level of joy in a day. For instance, if I’m at my desk and someone walks by and says something hurtful. It is my response that really matters, not what they say. Do I let it sink into my heart and hurt me, or do i let it roll off. This brings me to my next point that we chose who we are. We chose who we let speak in to our lives, we chose our friends we chose where we work, so why not CHOSE our own emotions. So I encourage every one that if you are having a bad day, then stop for a second and realize that you are allowing your self to have a bad day, and that you are the only one that can change that!

When I started working for the church one of the best things anyone ever told me what to "have a soft heart, but tough skin".

PS. i just realized that i have been puting up some pretty different pictures..i guess ill keep it up!

Sunday, January 22, 2006

good blog

hey i was just one here "blogging" and i came across a great blog so i had to let you know... check this out
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    Monday, January 16, 2006

    Morning Prayer

    So I’m sitting here, about to set my alarm clock and I begin to ponder the thought of Morning Prayer. What is it to me and how does it affect my life. Do I enjoy it or do I despise it. Mandatory…unmadatory? Six o’clock or seven? So what is it to me? Well Morning Prayer is sometimes the best thing that I do all day, and is the one thing that I’m so glad I did that day. And on other days, at about 4pm I begin to reconsider being up four hours earlier than what I really needed to be. You know what, I heard a wise man once say that “It’s not how you start the race that counts but its how you finish”. In that case why not have “Late Night Prayer” oh wow I begin so smile at this thought…how much more would I rather stay up late and finish the day strong than wake up way earlier than what I need to. Then the same type questions begin to enter my mind like. Will I be the only one there? What time would you do it? Do you make it a real prayer meeting or a silent meditation? Contemporary or old school? I guess all these questions are kind of pointless. The real point should be, what do I need to do to become closer to the Lord. If its morning prayer or if its night prayer. If its doing a fast or the act of silence. I must be willing to lay down my own agenda and feelings. So that my mind will be free to ponder in the everlasting love of the Lord….P.S. this picture is the sky after morning prayer today.

    Friday, January 13, 2006

    Can u say BLESSED!!!!!!!

    NO B-Ball on HPC court??

    oh no i beg to differ. This past week me and some of my buddys( brock and jacob to be exact) took a trip to the nice, new, dark HPC courts. despite the darkness we were able to play a litte game of 21. Now to those of you who are wondering about the progress on allowing people to play on the court, i took the liberty of investigating. It is to my knowlege that after the "Grand Opening" then we will be able to play, at night with the lights!! But we should be able to get special permision to hoop in the middle of the night with the lights. Its there to build relationships and thats what we do!!!

    Thursday, January 12, 2006

    Give it to me!

    I have been sitting here at my computer for about 10 min I have written about 3 blogs entries but I have realized how hard this might be for me. I will write a full page and then read it back and not like what i wrote. just like this blog for instance I am about to start over. I guess its cause i do not have many entrees on here yet so I don’t want to be "wierd" on here...lol. but we will see...HEY how about this if you have any topics you want me to give my " two cents" about, then comment to this blog and I will tell you my thoughts...no holds bar...in the flesh. I think that this would be a good way for me to start my bloging Endeavors

    Wednesday, January 11, 2006

    The brain vs the moron

    Many of you might be wondering why do i have a pic of David Song...well its easy fixed something for me in 3 sec and that took me 1 Day of wasted time trying to fix. so i had to give him a shout out!...yo yo song you the man!

    Tuesday, January 10, 2006

    Blogging is hard

    Many of you that saw my page prior to this new that i was having some problems b/c of internet explorer...because i use firefox it would not transfer the page right. and for those of you that dont belive me check with song he saw!...but here goes i will try this agian. through this blog i hope to express my own personal view points on many issus and hopefully do a devotional on here ...we will see how that goes.