Friday, April 28, 2006


Here we are …I am sitting in the sanctuary of a HUGE church in the big ATL. The name of the church is First Baptist church of Woodstock!...yep you see it …WOODSTOCK…lol its true. But for real this church is FINE. First class facility big time. But it makes me smile cause I know that our church building will rival this one…that’s a cool feeling. Ill leave pictures soon I promise.

Right now I want show you some pictures of what we did yesterday….GOLF…like all day 36 holes of golf…yeah that a lot. But here are some pictures so enjoy and I ill be back in a little while

Oh and Heather. I miss you babe, cant wait to see you in a bit…holla back!!!!!

Thursday, April 20, 2006



What is culture and what does it mean to the modern church? Do we use the “culture” as a crutch? Is it a valid argument for some of the things that we do?

I ask this question b/c the other day I kind of got in to it with someone about the relevance of culture in the church. I was explaining that the reason that some thing are permissible in the church in other countries is because of the “culture”. She replies with a great comment. She said “when you get to heaven and God asks you why you did something, will you say oh I did it b/c it was the culture of the times”, then I replied or will you get to heaven and God will say “ why where you worried about such little things, you should have been concentrating about saving lives”. When I think about it both of these are good point of views. But I feel as well as the other person in the discussion, if you are seeking God and you do things that are culturally acceptable but not in the church. Then you really need to check your motives and your heart before anything. b/c if your heart is right then you probably will not do things “just” b/c it is the culture.

Just a thought. Leave me some comments let me know your options. I don’t really have one…YET

oh and the pics are just radoms from the other day...check out the pics link to see more!!

Friday, April 14, 2006

The Way I See It

So this is how it all went down. It’s about 6:15 in the morning, I'm sitting upstairs, praying, sipping on my grande white choc mocha skinny with whip, when I began to read the side of my starbucks cup. Now as you know starbucks prints quotes from famous people on the side of their cups, well the quote that I had on my cup was pretty good but not great. So I kept reading and realized that you could go on the starbucks web site and see more quotes. So ... I did!!! And this is what popped up. First one.

The Way I See It #70 previous | next

It’s difficult for people to get rid of junk. They get attached to things and let them define who they are. If there’s one thing I’ve learned in this business, it’s that you are what you can’t let go of.

-- Brian Scudamore

Founder and CEO of 1-800-GOT-JUNK?

WOW...check out that last sentence. Yeah can you say powerful? If this doesn’t hit you right where you’re at then you need to check your pulse cause this...if you allow it could change your life. Take a min and think about the things that you have been trying to get rid of in your life. Are they still there?? Have been trying to get rid of that one thing that keeps u from being the person you want to this guy hit it on the head. But this is what the guy didn’t say, if there really is something that is holding you back (junk in your life) you might try over and over again but with out the power and love of Christ you might still be trying to rid your self of your junk for many years. So I encourage you to "let go and let God"

Wednesday, April 12, 2006


Who ever said SERVIN is not that fun just check out these pics. Yeah. its true the serve team probably has the most fun of any ministry here at hpc…lol. Not true check out this link to my boy Blake’s blog. we have had a blast these past couple of weeks leading up to Easter. It has taken tons of planning but most importantly tons of volunteer help. Thanks guys with out your help we could not have done what we did. Lets see in the past few weeks we have passed out in the community….ummm..about 9,000 bottles of water and about 1,500 packs of gum. Yeah can you say no thirst or bad breath for BR!. But on the real, we have heard time and time again how much people have been blessed by these deeds that to us, seem so simple, but to others seem so huge and possibly life changing. So I want to encourage everyone to still be in prayer for Easter. We have done a lot to let the community know that we are a church of love and hope and not condemnation. And you know I was thinking without the prayers of the hpc congregations who really knows where we would be as a church. So even if you didn’t make it to an outreach you can always reach out and lift up some prayers for the thousands on Easter Sunday who don’t know Christ.

Saturday, April 08, 2006

my thoughts this week

Well I guess that a blog is suppose to give you a birds eye view of what’s going on in my life or I guess just in my head…well this is what’s been getting me all week. Nothing to spiritual but very complicated. Ok here we go. How do I unclutter my life with tasks and jobs to do but still have a high rate of completion at productivity. I guess that is the million dollar question among adult. How to be busy but not feel busy. I hate feeling busy, well not busy but like over whelmed busy. You know, that feeling like.” I haven’t gotten more than 3 hours of sleep a night” feeling, yeah that one. Well I hope this made since but its really what’s been bothering me. So I have decided that I should try to go to bed earlier and hopefully from that I will be better rested to do more and then intern not be so cluttered with life!

PS you got to check out the weekly post on the Hamanism of the Week part of mikes blog

Friday, April 07, 2006


Yo i got to tell you about to additions to the Blog roll. Both are Pastors here at HPC. One is Tyler the J-high pastor, his blog is P-finder. The other is Pastor Mike, yo his is pretty cool, check it out hes famouse, HAMM-INATOR

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

BLOCK PARTY!!!!!!!!!!!

Many people probably think that serving or being on a team at a church that serves the community is boring…I challenge anyone to come to one serve team water outreach and call it boring. Its like a huge party that we decide to share with the city…yeah its true...a party. Seriously the lord has been moving like crazy every time that we have been going out to go do anything in the city and its become so much fun that people are coming to help out just to have …FUN so I challenge you if you are bored and lookin for a way to help out this Easter…here is your way just click here and you will be on you way to the funnest (<--not a word) day of serving you have ever had!!!

Monday, April 03, 2006


This morning was the first day of “morning prayer” and yes its true I was there at about 5:35 this morning. Now some of you say that is pretty early considering that it doesn’t start till 6, well I have to let you in on a little secret. There is a group of guys that we call the openers. And for every group of Morning Prayer we divide up the days and we open the building for prayer. Now we have been doing this for a long time and we have all noticed that we are not always the first one there…in fact we are never the first one there. There is one man that always beats us there. So we have created a little game among the openers. Who can beat Pastor Dino to Morning Prayer? To be honest in one and a half years of opening I have only beat him like…twice. Yeah it’s true. If you think I’m playing. you are more than welcome to try it your self but I say to you good luck. So if you are wondering did I win today…the answer is no I was beat by Johnny and Dino. If I was a betting man I would be willing to bet that no opener will beat him in this group of prayers, think about it …if you do get beat to Morning Prayer…that’s the guy you want to beat you!

Is it true I have hit the top of HPC Blogging??. Well it could be true. Yesterday my mom called me to tell me that ps D put a link to my page on his blog. And later that day Pastor Mike said he was linking me to his blog. I guess in the world of blogging this is a great development.