Thursday, April 20, 2006



What is culture and what does it mean to the modern church? Do we use the “culture” as a crutch? Is it a valid argument for some of the things that we do?

I ask this question b/c the other day I kind of got in to it with someone about the relevance of culture in the church. I was explaining that the reason that some thing are permissible in the church in other countries is because of the “culture”. She replies with a great comment. She said “when you get to heaven and God asks you why you did something, will you say oh I did it b/c it was the culture of the times”, then I replied or will you get to heaven and God will say “ why where you worried about such little things, you should have been concentrating about saving lives”. When I think about it both of these are good point of views. But I feel as well as the other person in the discussion, if you are seeking God and you do things that are culturally acceptable but not in the church. Then you really need to check your motives and your heart before anything. b/c if your heart is right then you probably will not do things “just” b/c it is the culture.

Just a thought. Leave me some comments let me know your options. I don’t really have one…YET

oh and the pics are just radoms from the other day...check out the pics link to see more!!


Blogger Carole Turner said...

Balance, balance. balance, that is the key to all these little arguments. The balance between Mercy and Justice, is the runnig theme of the new testement. It is a prime example of how we have to always study to show ourselves approved and check our motivation behind everything. I think the scripture about "working out your salvation.." (phil 2:11-13) tells us to always work it out.How many times have you seen a person who formed their entire belief on one scripture? To many get off by not seeking the balance that does exist in scripture. There is context, there is history, we need to know all that surrounds the giving of the scriptures. If you question, research, read, ask, study. But the bottom line is He was born of a virgin, lived a sinless life, died, was resurrected and now sits at the right hand of God. We have to always remember it's about bringing peopel to Him and living for him.

Woow! I got my preach on for a second there!

BY the way, how much did you pay the HPC photographers to only take pictures of you?!! You are everywhere!

9:44 AM  
Blogger Gered Lambert said...

Whatever method it takes to share the message! Featheriron nailed it too. Balance. The method must be executed with wisdom and morals and values can't be compromised, that only taints the message.

I like the way we balance cultural relevance and biblical truths. There's no perfect way to do it. But, I'd rather be part of a church that isn't afraid to try and fail, versus a church that won't reach outside their four walls.

I love our "dangerous" church and I think there is an abundance of GRACE & MERCY when we miss the mark. I think we do it with the right heart and intentions.

2:47 PM  
Blogger Gered Lambert said...


There are plenty of other great churches in our nation that are doing this too! I'm glad we are able to connect with these churches in partnership and expand out boundaries.

2:49 PM  
Blogger danohlerking said...

balance in your picture taking, too, eh?

how about keeping your eye on the road while you're driving, buddy?

love the thoughts for real. if you can get carole (sorry- "featheriron") to preach.... well, now there's a landmark post.

5:59 PM  
Blogger Cajun Tiger said...

The problem most Churches and Christians have is that they are so afraid of "culture" that they completely write off anything new or different. The key is to appeal to the culture in a language and method they can relate to without compromising the Truth of the message. It is a very fine balance indeed.

2:33 AM  

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